Here's a simple explanation of how to write C/C++ Dll's under WIN32 , use them as building blocks for your own Dll's , included are example's of both Borland C++ 4.5 and Microsoft Visual C++ 4.0 as well as a calling program written in Visual Basic. The Dll's should also be easily callable from Delphi 2.0 , the free Basic Development system "Envelop" (see PCAnswers issue 33 November 1996 for more info) and the as yet unreleased (Oct 96) IBM Basic language. I release this software into the public domain EG:- it's free although i do retain copyright. If you wish to make modifications to any of these routines or explanation's please do so then send me a copy , ill look at them and providing i find them correct will add them to this package and re-release the package , making sure that readers are aware of any contributiion's you make. You must not add to this package without authorisation from me , also you must not distribute any of this package as your own work. I will normally allow publication of portion's or all of this documentation totally free of charge but YOU MUST RECEIVE MY AUTHORISATION to do so. Please address any queries or comments to EMail 101623.725@COMPUSERVE.COM Snail Mail Paul Collishaw/PCEnterprises 17 Gurney Way Aycliffe Industrial Park Newton Aycliffe County Dirham. If you or your company need software/routines/dll's/OCX's writing , contact me, i/we may be able to help , our rates are reasonable.